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Thursday, February 17, 2011

A regular conversation

Calphurnia: My husband is just so annoying sometimes!
Portia: So is mine!
Calphurnia: I think he may be cheating on me..
Portia: Really? He wouldnt dare, would he?
Calphurnia: I believe he is.
Portia: Well that is just down right horrible.
Calphurnia: I think he is just using me..what do you think?
Portia: I'm not quite sure. But I had a horrific dream last night.
Calphurnia: About what?
Portia: Ceaser, my love, getting murdered. It was very bad. They murdered him and washed themsevles with his very own blood. I awoke screaming to Ceaser. I think it was a sign, so I simply told Ceaser not to leave me.
Calphurnia: And? What did he say?!
Portia: Well at first, he argued in his defense. So I pleaded, and he decided to obey my "wish" and stayed home with me. I fret that something bad will happen, and my dream may become reality.
Calphurnia: Don't worry! Everything will be fine, once the men in our lives start acting like grown men and not boys.
Portia: I agree!

1 comment:

  1. Katie - I like the back and forth dialogue you constructed.

    When in the play does it appear that Calphurnia thinks Caesar is cheating on her? The first half of this is a bit off-topic.
