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Sunday, February 13, 2011

No school please!

Dr. Berry,
                Surely you have been in our position when you were a kid. Getting a snow day, and then the school district is considering adding on days to the end of the school year. No kid wants the extra school days leading into their summer freedom.  Therefore, you should not add on any extra days to the end of the school year because, it will upset students and what can we really accomplish in the amount of time?
                Some people believe that adding on days to the end of the school year will keep their children out of trouble. Others say that we need the extra time in school. While actually, keeping students in school will benefit nothing. Also, although you would add on a couple of days to the end of the school year, nothing can be accomplished in that amount of time frame.
                Upset students and teachers is what you will get if you add on extra days to our school year. Going into our summer, students just want to relax and have fun. We are all already going to be jumping from the walls by the time we are originally supposed to get out of school. Adding on days will just make us all the more anxious. It will be as if we are in jail if we have to drag ourselves out of bed and into the school building and just sit there, hopeless, for eight hours. It will be pointless and a waste of time.
                Two days is not even enough time to learn anything new. Now, I am not implying that no learning will go on and that we cannot learn anything new, I am saying that there is just not enough time to learn a whole new lesson. Teachers do not want to plan it, and students honestly do not want to learn it. Two days is not enough time for anything, so Dr. Berry, why even bother adding on the extra days?
                If you really do not want to upset students, teachers and possibly even some parents, then I advise and beg of you not to add of any other days. Our school district is extremely educated as it is. A few extra days should not make a difference on how educated we are going to get this year alone. A few days. That is all we are asking of you, is a few days off, instead of adding a few days to our school year. So I ask that you please consider not adding on any extra days at the end of the school year.

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