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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ceaser’s Speech

Katie Cleary
Mr. Allam
English 2 Hour 5
9 March 2011
Ceaser’s Speech
                Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. This is an extremely true statement, my friends. Those, whom you may think are your friends, may truly be your worst enemies. Those who I thought were my best and closest friends were actually backstabbing liars. I came back today to discuss with you all on why you need to choose your friends wise. You need to take time and figure out who your real friends are because friends need to be truthful and trustworthy, not liars and cheaters.
                Many may think that you do not need friends. Many may think that you can be alone constantly. Many may think that you can be a loner. Many may think that you do not need anyone there. Many may think that you don’t need anyone to talk to and that maybe, you’re better off on your own. But others may think that that is not true at all. Other people might believe that you always need someone there, someone by your side, someone to just be there when you need it most. And this is true, because you will go insane without someone to talk to and without friends; true friends.
                All traits that you all should look for in a true friend are for them to be truthful, trustworthy, honest, loyal, accepting, and selfless and a good influence.  According to Cassius, “A friend should bear his friend’s infirmities” (IIII.iii.85). Basically, Cassius is stating that friends should be there for each other, friends need to have their friend’s backs. Friends need to be able to trust each other. Friends need to be someone that you can always count on. Antony, for example, was one of my best friends. I could always count on him for everything, and he was always there for me. I could always trust him, regardless of the situation. This is what every single soul needs to know, and then act on.
                Lying, cheating, betraying, backstabbing, jealous, violent, abusive, bad influences are not at all, whatsoever, good people to choose for your friends. You may think that they are good people until you really get to know them. I, personally, thought and truly believed that Brutus was my best friend. Seconds before leaving this world, I stated, “Et tu Brute” (III.i.77)? In other words, I believed that Brutus was a loyal friend, but I was clearly mistaken. The reason why I am speaking today, is to make sure, none of you have to go through what I did. I love the people of Rome too much to just sit around and watch this happen again.
                As said before, know the difference between your friends and enemies and make sure, never turn your back to them. You don’t know what can cone out of it.  For instance, look what happened to me! Knowing the difference between your true friends and enemies, can make the worlds a difference. Knowing the difference between your true friends and enemies can change your life. Knowing the difference between your true friends and enemies, can even save a life. So all I am saying, my fellow Romans is, choose your friends extremely wise.

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